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meg hearts books

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Currently reading

The Dream Thieves
Maggie Stiefvater

Blackout: The Newsflesh Trilogy: Book 3

Blackout - Mira Grant Let me begin by saying that Mira Grant is an excellent storyteller. The skill with which she builds tension is that of a master craftsman. This woman had my nerves so finely tuned I was (absolutely literally) on the edge of my seat and coiled to spring, whimpering with my knuckles crammed in my mouth. If someone had come up behind me unexpectedly, I probably would’ve bashed them in the face with my book while screaming bloody murder (and then felt like a very repentant lunatic).Normally I’d illustrate with gifs, but I’ve got nothing you guys. I’m done, it’s just too much. Done.In BLACKOUT, the Newsflesh trilogy reaches its epic conclusion. I am so overwhelmed by these books, there is no possible way to give a non-biased review. Not that I’ve been trying that hard, as seen in my glowing reviews for FEED and DEADLINE.I think part of what makes Grant’s writing so powerful is how amazing she is at showing you the world through her characters eyes, as opposed to telling you about it with their mental voices. As the far smarter and more eloquent Mark Oshiro (@MarkDoesStuff, check him out, he’s brilliant and hilarious) said during his (fantastic) read along/review of FEED:“Grant is able to convey the urgency of their situation in subtle ways so that you’re left with a feeling instead of an outright statement.”Everything that happens is so immediate, the characters are so real. There is no quarter given to the reader because there is no quarter given to anyone in this post-zombie world. It makes for a thrilling and intense ride.Maybe a few gifsThe bottom line is this whole trilogy is genius and I find myself as unprepared for it to be over as I was unprepared for how much I would get swept up in it. If I had my way, it would be required reading for the world (or at least schools), both because then everyone would be able to talk to me about it and because it deals with some serious shit we as a society need to be thinking about.Go out, read these books. Now. That is all.Spoilers below, read on at your own risk.Remember how in my review of FEED I said I liked that Shaun and Georgia were a couple without actually being a couple? That was a filthy lie. When they reunited, I died. I was leaping around laughing and crying. You tell 'em CaptainI adore how subtly Grant built their relationship. Go back through FEED and pay attention to their body language. Every scene with the two of them takes on a whole extra dimension, especially THAT SCENE. By the end of the first book, I suspected there may be something going on there but wasn’t sure if it was just wishful thinking on my part.To anyone who was turned off by the sort of incestyness of it all, I get it. I really do. I was actually very surprised at how much I wanted them to be together. Normally I’m squicked out and/or irritated by that kind of relationship foil. The fact that they’re written in such a way that I was not only accepting of but rooting for them is just one more point in the Mira-Grant-Is-Clearly-A-Wizard-Of-The-Written-Word tally. The way I see it is that Shaun and Georgia were clearly everything to each other. Even if they weren’t together like that, there was no room in their relationship with each other for other people and this way I (finally) got my mushy stuff!