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meg hearts books

Hi there! I hate writing bios, if you really want to read one, head on over to Cuddlebuggery Book Blog (cuddlebuggery.com) where I contribute to the awesome. Find me on twitter: @megsaysthings

Currently reading

The Dream Thieves
Maggie Stiefvater

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily - Jodi Lynn Anderson This book is beautiful and sad. I don't think I can really put anything in this review that hasn't been said before. It's about change and loss and growing up when you don't want to or even realize you are. My heart is getting heavy again trying to think about what I want to say. I don't think I can really put anything in this review that hasn't been said before. If you haven't read it, you really owe it to yourself to give it a shot.I was so proud of myself for making it to the end without totally losing it and then I got to the letter. I read "Did you know I always thought you were braver than me?" and it was over. Bawled like a baby.